Saturday, March 8, 2014

Be Social and Local via Virtual Phone Line Audio Blogging

Last month Virtual Phone Line announced its Public Profile Page with Web Dialer feature. "VPL" began as a call diversion service but is now one of the web's most popular social media tools. Today, Super Technologies, Inc., who created and run the Virtual Phone Line service reveals the new empowering personal and business tool of audio blogging.

VPL users can login to their personal portals on and manage their account with integration to Facebook; ring to including Skype, SIP, IAX2, PSTN, FWD, Google Gizmo5, MSN IM, Yahoo IM, GoogleTalk, or Truphone; as well as other standard and premium features. Audio blogging is the newest!

"I use my VPL public profile, web dialer, and voicemail features as a method to let my parents back home in Australia know how I am doing in my Masters studies while in UK. My Australia Virtual Phone Line number is what my parents in Australia, my family all over the world in Pakistan, Japan, Mexico and USA, and I call once per day through the web dialer to leave a message of 'What's up!' to each other. I plan to use the content to write a book someday," says Virtual Phone Line user Arinya Khan.

Is that cool, or what? You rock, Arinya!

Another user of Virtual Phone Line gives a short demo on Youtube on the VPL audio blogging feature.
Customers click on 'Profile" once logged in to Virtual Phone Line and scroll to the General Settings area. They choose whether or not they want to enable their public profile and decide what they are willing to share publicly about themselves such as their picture, their location, their Virtual Phone Line numbers, voicemail enabling, and web dialer. Two URLs now belong to the customer: Public Profile page and Audio Blog page.
Where customers select "voicemails" in the general settings, short recorded audios can be left by the customer or anyone with access to their web dialer on the customer's public profile page. The voicemails then become an audio blog of reminders, holiday greetings, quotes of the day, polls, and more.
Virtual Phone Line is a service that enables users to be local and to be social. The sign up page is at

1 comment:

quilludelhofen said...

국내에서 진행되는 부분은 국내 법에 저촉되는 부분이 있기는 하지만 CSS 보안 방식으로 사용자의 DB를 암호화 하여 안전합니다. 북한군에게 피살된 해수부 공무원 사건과 관련해 혐의를 받고 있는 서욱 전 국방부 장관이 21일 오후 서울 서초구 중앙지법에서 열린 영장실질심사를 마치고 법원을 나서고 있다. 해수부 공무원 유족은 법원을 나서는 서 전 바카라사이트 장관에게 항의하기도 했다. 한국의 데이터 유출 비용은 43억 three,400만원, 유형별 침해 빈도 및 대응 소요 시간은 침해를 식별하는 데만 200일 이상이 걸리는 것으로 분석됐다.