Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Virtual Phone Line Recommends Comnet 2011 for Job Hunting and IT Business

Comnet 2011 programs is for every sector of IT and Telecom community at Comnet
'11 in Karachi, Pakistan at Usman Institute of Technology April 23, 2011. Whether you're a Professional, Technical/Engineering Student, Young Graduate, Senior Manager, or Corporate Head, Comnet 2011 has compiled programs for everyone, which include:
* National Corporate Conference (Take the opportunity to help your business contract with universities and colleges in regards to IT needs)
* Industry Academia Panel Discussion

* Technical Workshops
* 45 Min Speaker sessions by senior industry professionals

* Career Fair (Yes! Let's help you find a good job.)

* Live Discussion Forums on current Technology demands exclusively for the IT and Telecom Professionals
Visit now to sign up, sponsor, and participate in other ways. Tell them Techistan online magazine and Virtual Phone Line sent you. Visit other recommended events at

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